Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Internship Phase 2: Nutting up

Day 12 was a new low in my internship; I drove 50 minutes to Boulder to do 15 minutes of work. So there I was, sitting in the parking lot again; dejected, confused and on the phone with my mother. As far as I could tell, I was doing everything right, but no one would give me any tasks to complete. After listening to my frustrated rant, mom gently explained in her delicate "mother-knows-best" tone of voice,

"Sweetie... you kinda just need to nut up." Her words, not mine. It's true though: I was so shy and panicked that I was holding myself back. Yeah, I know, everyone gets nerves. But until you've sat in the Women's restroom for 5 minutes giving yourself a pep talk, trust me, you're not that nervous. I'm pretty sure I walked into the office like I was a drug mule going through customs for at least the first three weeks on the job. What was so terrifying to me? Only everything!

See, part of me is still convinced that I was hired on a complete lark because I really have no job description beyond "intern". So for me, that meant that talking to people in my office was sure to lead to disaster; maybe they would unceremoniously throw me out when they found out I didn't contribute anything. I recently discovered, however, that every person at my office is exceptionally nice.

There is even a woman who looks genuinely sorry when she can't find anything for me to do. And putting my nerves behind me has actually lead to... real work. I can now say I wrote a press release and sound vaguely professional. I am further pleased to report that the other (useful) interns are not 12 years old, like I suspected. They are actually at least 2 years older than me, which helps explain their superior skills.

I'm still mildly terrified of my office, to be honest. But at this point, I have about 2 weeks before it's back to DC and on to the next one. So I am going to do my best to chat up a storm, at least in lieu of actual work.


[Update: Also I have become the master of fax/copy/print machines. It's especially satisfying since I know now that other people are incredibly confused by the machine that used to taunt me.]

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