Monday, August 9, 2010

Thank God for the Internet

I leave for Kenya in 18 days! I’m currently trying to make up for the 20 years I have spent living in Colorado not doing the activities most people associate with natives. The last time I was in a tent was about ten years ago and I just recently bought my first pair of hiking boots. A little known fact is that the people who are most vocal about living the Colorado lifestyle are actually not natives. Speaking in generalities, they’re the kind of people who became lifetime members of REI long before they decided to relocate out West to conquer the Rockies.

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to experience the culture, community, and traditions of Kenya. I am excited to expand my horizons and develop the wilderness skills I don’t currently possess, but I feel woefully unprepared. I went to look at water purifiers and backpacks last week and felt like I was on another planet which is definitely a feeling you want to avoid before you get on a plane to live for three and half months in another country.

A highly educated and experienced backpacker going on my program shared that one of her biggest concerns is getting parasites. “Parasites?” I remember saying to her. “Yeah, there are some that crawl up your legs so you have to have really solid shoes.” Right. Proper footwear to keep the parasites from crawling up your legs and invading your internal organs. Why hadn’t I thought of this?

I shared my mild anxiety with my mom. I explained that it’s not like I’m Malibu Barbie. I genuinely want to go to Kenya to meet the people and learn about their lives. I just have to acknowledge that I may be utterly useless when it comes to gutting a fish or rescuing someone from the grips of hypothermia (ok so probably not a concern I should have for Kenya but still). My mom just looked at me and said, “Oh, so you’re planning on playing a social game instead of a physical one?” I tried explaining how this wasn’t like an episode of Survivor but to no avail.

All I can say for myself is thank god for the internet which is providing the only shot I have at compensating for my lack of legitimate outdoor knowledge. Maybe getting to Kenya will be half the battle for me. We shall see.


  1. 1. Holy Crap. Did mom actually say that?? I'm sorry.

    2. I feel you anxiety. I have the same feeling while I'm researching Egypt and Jordan. I burn within minutes of being in sun, and through my clothes and I want to go to a desert? Crap. That is why its going to be a few years before that trip, mainly so I can save enough money to go at once, just in case I suck so much that I never want to go to that part of the world again.

  2. You'll be absolutely paranoid for the first 3 weeks and then you'll get into the rhythm of things. Good habits and safety will just be like breathing. :)

    But don't pet the animals. No matter how cute they are.

